We rebuilt the Kiitola Bridge in Jepua, Uusikaarpelyy, built in the early 1900s. In the project, our bridge contractors first built a working bridge over the Lapua River, then we dismantled the old bridge. Then the foundation work for the new prestressed concrete bridge began.

The supports of the old bridge were retained, and the new bridge was built on piles drilled through the old supports. The drilled piles will be driven by KFS Finland Oy, a joint venture company specialising in specialist foundation engineering at Kreate.

The construction site was located on a river, which posed its own challenges, including the construction of a working bridge, the dismantling of old stone structures and reinforcement work.

The contractor was the City of Uusikaarlepyy, contract period was 6-12/2024.

Kreate uusii Kiitolansillan Jepualla Uudessakaarlepyyssä.





Kiitolantie, Jepua




Ari Välimaa

Project personnel

Position Name Phone Email
Työpäällikkö Ari Välimaa +358 400 792 472 ari.valimaa(a)kreate.fii
Vastaava työnjohtaja Joonas Kauppinen +358 40 197 7556 joonas.kauppinen(a)kreate.fi


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