In a central location in Tampere city centre, Kreate implemented an underground tunnel to connect two parking garages. The tunnel between Noutoparkki and Tullinparkki is 15 metres long and is located approximately six metres deep under the stairs between the Pakkahuone and the Pendoliino properties of S-Market.

Due to the demanding conditions, we implemented the project using the top-down method, where the tunnel was built from the top down instead of digging the ground open. Thanks to the top-down method, the upper restoration work could be done at an earlier stage, improving the cost-effectiveness of the project. For example, the stairs were put back in place at the same time as the work below the stairs was going on. By contrast, open excavation would have extended the contract time from the actual five months to ten months, and the risk of damage to the Pakkahuone would also have increased.

During the worksite, we paid special attention to the safe movement of people in the area. Navigating was made easier with an innovative mobile application. This replaced physical maps that change as the work progresses. The application, which received a lot of positive feedback, guided the phone user along a safe route to the desired destination with an accuracy of one metre. We implemented the application together with IT professionals, and the easy-to-use application can also be used at our other similar sites.

The underground route opened in June 2021 is significant not only in terms of implementation but also in terms of urban planning. The new connecting tunnel enables the entire eastern centre of Tampere to be undercut through tunnels and creates opportunities for the further development of the area.

The customer was Finnpark Oy, and the contract time was from January 2021 to June 2021.

Kreate yhdisti kaksi parkkihallia Tampereella





Pakkahuoneen aukio, Tampere



Project Leader

Jussi Kiuru

Project personnel

Position Name Phone Email
Construction Manager Jussi Kiuru 0400 467 365


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