In an extensive contract, we moved the main thoroughfare of Hervanta, one of the largest suburbs in Finland, ten metres east. At the same time, we made new municipal engineering in the area, built a stormwater pool and did surfacing work for the Hervanta thoroughfare.

During the contract, our bridge experts built two light traffic bridges over the Hervanta thoroughfare, the Asia Bridge and the Africa Bridge. The more northern of these, the Asia Bridge, is connected to a 60-metre-long, trough-shaped supporting wall, making a bend of more than 90 degrees and thus becoming S-shaped. The speciality of the African Bridge is its deck structure, which widens significantly towards its western end, and the colourful special railings, for which we built unique web-like lighting.

The bridges were built almost simultaneously, and the construction work on the land supports was agreed in cooperation with our transport infrastructure builders. Building the Africa Bridge in a very narrow strip between the apartment buildings east of the Hervanta thoroughfare posed a challenge of its own. Both bridges are slab bridges partly based on bored piles, for which Kreate’s joint venture KFS Finland carried out the piling.

We worked efficiently in accordance with the City of Tampere’s emissions and employment requirements. We take into account the circular economy, for example by utilising quarried material in the structural layers of the road and by using timber and piling pipes left over from our other construction sites.

The customers for the contract were the City of Tampere, Tampereen Vesi Oy and Tampereen Sähkölaitos Oy. The contract time was from May 2022 to October 2023, and the contract price was some 7.5 million euros.

Kreate toteuttaa Hervannan pohjoisakselin rakennusurakan Tampereella





Insinöörinkatu 11, Tampere



Project Leader

Jarkko Jokinen

Project personnel

Position Name Phone Email
Construction Manager Jarkko Jokinen +358 50 380 3110 jarkko.jokinen(a)
Worksite Manager Alvar Peltola +358 50 410 8466 alvar.peltola(a)
Responsible Site Manager, bridges Mikko Heija +358 45 262 4226 mikko.heija(a)


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