Kreate’s sustainability vision is that Kreate has satisfied and competent personnel who carry out even the most challenging infrastructure projects with strong professionalism and safety, building a better and more sustainable society every day.

In our responsibility work, we focus on three focus areas: personnel, minimizing the impact of construction and increasing our handprint, where we monitor progress with the indicators presented below. Progress is reported annually in connection with the annual report and, for selected targets, also quarterly as part of our interim reports.

Our responsibility focus areas

Building with passionMetrics
Employee satisfaction
• Willingness of employees to recommend an employer, eNPS
Occupational safety and safety culture
• Combined accident frequency • Occupational safety observations (% of projects and per person)
Increasing competence
• Provide internships • Support career opportunities for personnel
Responsible employer
• Orientation • Training the company’s Code of Conduct • Ethics
Reducing our footprintMetrics
Minimizing the impact of construction
• Increasing the offering activity and use of circular economy solutions • Receiving and further processing of waste for reuse
Tackling climate change
• Target 2030: CO2e emission intensity -50% vs 2023 (scope 1+2) • Target 2045: Climate neutral (scope 1+2) • Target scope 3: We are committed to promoting the reduction of scope 3 emissions in cooperation with clients and other stakeholders
Increasing our handprintMetrics
Sustainable and safe solutions
Satisfied customer and end user, Customer NPS
Infrastructure projects supporting megatrends
• Growing business operations in the rail environment
Corporate responsibility
• Corporate taxes paid to Finland and Sweden

Development during the latest quarter

Kreate ESG quarter

More about responsibility in the Annual Report

A more extensive report on the development of responsibility can be found in the Annual Review 2023.

See our Annual Review

Annual Review 2023 cover

Our operations are linked to UN Sustainable Development Goals

E WEB Goal 08

We are a responsible employer for whom skilled personnel are a great resource. Our own operations generate economic growth for society directly and, to a large extent, also indirectly, as infrastructure enables economic growth for other industries. In addition, the countercyclical nature of infrastructure construction supports societys economic growth even in difficult times.

We build sustainable infrastructure as resource-efficiently as possible. We produce highquality solutions to support the green transition of industry and society. We focus especially on challenging projects, which offers our personnel demanding and meaningful projects.

E WEB Goal 09

E WEB Goal 11

Infrastructure construction promotes denser urban construction, smooth and safe traffic and public transport, for example through rail and tramway infrastructure.

Transport infrastructure promotes peoples social and economic participation. Road and rail connections around Finland improve transport connections and facilitate access to services and work. In addition, highquality infrastructure enables industrial investments and growth also in areas other than growth centres. Equality and non-discrimination are also important in our own operations.

E WEB Goal 10

E WEB Goal 12

We use resources as efficiently as possible, which also supports financial profitability. Among other things, we strive to minimise site visits, utilise alternative materials and increase the use of circular economy solutions by actively offering them within our sphere of influence. We implement the sites with fuels that meet the customer‘s requirements.

We work closely with clients (state, municipalities and cities, as well as private customers) and other stakeholders to ensure that construction takes place efficiently, smoothly and with minimal adverse effects.

E WEB Goal 17

Sydamella rakentamassa turvallisuus

Building sustainable infrastructure

We develop a healthy and committed work community that wants to promote the companys operations in all areas, from profitability to corporate responsibility.

Read more about our sustainability