- Annual General Meeting 28 March 2025
Kreate’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Friday, 28 March 2025 at 10:00 a.m. at the Eliel studio in Sanomatalo at Töölönlahdenkatu 2, 00100 Helsinki. Reception of those who have registered for the meeting and the distribution of voting tickets at the venue will begin at 9:30 am.
Participation in the general meeting requires registration, and advance voting is also possible.
It is possible to follow the General Meeting via webcast. Instructions on how to follow the webcast will be available on this website prior to the General Meeting. It will not be possible to pose questions, make counter-proposals, give any other statements or to vote over the online broadcast, and following the meeting over the online broadcast is not considered participation in the Annual General Meeting or the exercise of shareholder rights.
- Opening the meeting
- Organisation of the meeting
- Election of the scrutinisers of the minutes and the vote counting officials
- Verification of the legality of the meeting
- Identification of those present and confirmation of the list of votes
- Presentation of the financial statements, the Board of Directors’ report and auditor’s report for 2024
- Approval of the financial statements
- Use of the profit shown on the balance sheet and deciding on the distribution of dividend
- Deciding on the discharge from liability of the members of the Board of Directors and the President and CEO
- Consideration of the Remuneration Report for Governing Bodies
- Consideration of the Remuneration Policy for Governing Bodies
- Deciding on the remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors
- Deciding on the number of members of the Board of Directors
- Electing the members of the Board of Directors
- Deciding on the remuneration of the auditor
- Electing the auditor
- Deciding on the remuneration of the sustainability reporting assurer
- Electing the sustainability reporting assurer
- Authorising the Board of Directors to decide on the issuance of shares and special rights entitling to shares
- Authorising the Board of Directors to decide on the repurchase and acceptance as pledge of own shares
- Closing the meeting
Notice of the general meeting (pdf), Notice of the general meeting (link to stock exchange release)
Proposals by the Board of Directors and its committees
Annual Review
Corporate Governance Statement
Remuneration Report
Remuneration Policy
Members of the Board of Directors, nominated for re-election
Registration for the general meeting and advance voting are open until 21 March 2025 at 16:00 EET through the following methods:
- Online: to the registration
- by email: agm@innovatics.fi
- by postal mail: Innovatics Oy, Annual General Meeting / Kreate Group Ltd, Ratamestarinkatu 13 A, 00520 Helsinki, Finland.
A shareholder registering by email or postal mail shall submit the registration form and advance voting sheet or the corresponding information to Innovatics Oy. Privacy statement
Further information related to the registration and advance voting is available by telephone during the registration period for the General Meeting via Innovatics Oy’s number +358 10 2818 909, weekdays between 9:00 and 12:00 and 13:00 and 16:00 EET.
The right to participate in the Annual General Meeting is held by a shareholder who, on the date of record of the Annual General Meeting (18 March 2025), is registered in the Company’s shareholder register maintained by Euroclear Finland Oy. A shareholder whose shares in the Company are registered on their personal Finnish book-entry account is registered in the Company’s shareholder register.
Registration for the General Meeting begins on 27 February 2025 at 12:00 pm EET. A shareholder registered in the Company’s shareholder register who wishes to participate in the General Meeting shall perform their registration at the latest on 21 March 2025 at 16:00 EET, at which time their registration shall have arrived.
A holder of nominee-registered shares is eligible to attend the General Meeting based on the shares that would grant them entry into the shareholders’ register maintained by Euroclear Finland Oy on the record date for the General Meeting on 18 March 2025. Participation also requires that the shareholder is temporarily registered in the shareholders’ register held by Euroclear Finland Oy by 25 March 2025 at 10:00 am EET at the latest. This is considered as registration for the General Meeting for the nominee-registered shares. Changes in the shareholding after the record date of the General Meeting do not affect the right to participate in the General Meeting or the shareholder’s voting rights.
A holder of nominee-registered shares is advised to request the necessary instructions from their custodian bank regarding temporary registration in the register of shareholders, the issuing of proxy documents and voting instructions, registration, and attendance at the General Meeting and advance voting well in advance. The account manager of the custodian bank shall temporarily register the holder of nominee-registered shares who wishes to attend the General Meeting in the register of shareholders of the company by the aforementioned date and time at the latest and, if necessary, arrange for advance voting on behalf of the holder of nominee-registered shares before the end of the registration period for holders of nominee-registered shares.
A shareholder may attend the General Meeting and exercise their rights at the Meeting through a proxy representative. A shareholder’s proxy may also elect to vote in advance as described in the notice if they so wish.
The proxy representative must authenticate to the electronic registration service and advance voting personally with strong authentication, after which they will be able to register and vote in advance on behalf of the shareholder, who they represent. The shareholder’s proxy must present dated proxy documents, or otherwise in a reliable manner prove that they are entitled to represent the shareholder at the General Meeting. Proving the right to represent can be done by using the suomi.fi e-Authorizations service available in the electronic registration service.
If a shareholder participates in the General Meeting through several proxies representing the shareholder with shares held in different securities accounts, the shares on the basis of which each proxy represents the shareholder shall be identified in connection with the registration.
Any proxy documents are requested to be submitted preferably as an attachment with the electronic registration or alternatively by mail to Innovatics Oy, Annual General Meeting / Kreate Group Ltd, Ratamestarinkatu 13 A, 00520 Helsinki, Finland or by email to agm@innovatics.fi before the end of the registration period. In addition to submitting the proxy documents, the shareholder or their proxy shall register for the General Meeting.
Proxy document for a general meeting (including voting instructions)
The language of the meeting will be Finnish.
Shareholders may pose questions concerning the matters discussed at the meeting. Such questions shall be submitted by email to yhtiokokous@kreate.fi. The questions shall have arrived at the latest on 14 March 2025 at 16:00 EET. The Company’s management will answer such questions, which are posed in writing and in advance, at the latest on 19 March 2025 on the Company’s website at https://kreate.fi/agm. When posing a question, the shareholder shall provide sufficient proof of their share ownership. Any questions posed in the manner described hereinabove are not considered questions referred to in Chapter 5, Section 25 of the Limited Liability Companies Act. Under Chapter 5, Section 25 of the Limited Liability Companies Act, shareholders present at the General Meeting are entitled to pose questions regarding the matters processed at the meeting.
Changes to share ownership after the date of record of the General Meeting will not affect the right to participate in the General Meeting or the shareholder’s number of votes.
On the date of this notice, 26 February 2025, Kreate Group Plc has a total of 8,984,772 shares and votes.
Coffee will be served before the start of the General Meeting.
27 February: Registration and advance voting begin
7 March: Annual review, corporate governance statement, and remuneration report available on the website (at the latest)
18 March: Record date of the general meeting
21 March: Registration and advance voting deadline (for holders of a Finnish personal book-entry account)
21 March: Deadline for submitting proxies
28 March: Annual general meeting
1 April: Proposed record date for the first installment of the dividend
8 April: Proposed payment date for the first installment of the dividend
11 April: Minutes of the general meeting available on the website (at the latest)
Online registration and advance voting
Kreate’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Friday, 28 March 2025 at 10:00 a.m. at the Eliel studio in Sanomatalo at Töölönlahdenkatu 2, 00100 Helsinki. Participation in the general meeting requires registration, and advance voting is also possible.
Go to registration and advance voting