Highway 5 between Mikkeli and Juva was built as a four-lane road with a median guardrail and junctions at different levels. In the Mikkeli–Nuutilanmäki section, the road was mainly built in a new off-road corridor. In the first phase of the project, a parallel road in the direction of the highway was built, which also served as a detour during work. The parallel road built for the entire duration of the project was located east of the new highway.

The multi-year project included a wide range of different infrastructure construction areas. Kreate’s special expertise and good advance planning guaranteed the efficient implementation and successful completion of the project. Work was carried out throughout the year, and the new highway was opened to traffic in stages in 2020–2021. The entire road was complete in summer 2022. The efficient and safe execution reduced the inconvenience caused to traffic.

The customer was the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency, the contract price was more than 41 million euros and the implementation time was from September 2019 to July 2022.

Vt5 artikkelikuva





Tenhusentie 3



Project Leader

Timo Tiainen

Project personnel

Position Name Phone Email
Construction Manager Timo Tiainen +358 400 152 116 timo.tiainen(a)kreate.fi
Construction Manager Timo Tiainen +358 400 152 116 timo.tiainen(a)kreate.fi


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