The President and CEO is responsible for managing, supervising and controlling the business operations of Kreate. Further, the President and CEO is responsible for the day-to-day executive management of Kreate in accordance with the instructions and orders given by the Board of Directors.
In addition, the President and CEO ensures that the accounting practices of Kreate comply with the relevant laws and that its financials have been organised in a reliable manner. The duties of the President and CEO are governed primarily by the Finnish Companies Act.
The Management Team of Kreate assists the President and CEO in planning of the operations and operational management. In addition, the Management Team prepares potential investments, acquisitions and development projects. The Management Team convenes on a regular basis, and it comprises of the directors of key business areas and service units.

Timo Vikström
President & CEO
Master of Engineering – Meng, Construction, eMBA
Born 1968, Finnish citizen
CEO and management team member since 2017
Work history:
Timo Vikström served as Executive Vice President, Corporate Planning and as a member of the executive team of Destia Group Oyj between 2015-2017. Vikström has worked at Lemminkäinen Group during 2001-2014 as Executive Vice President and CEO of Lemminkäinen Norge A/S and Lemminkäinen Sverige AB. He has also been responsible for Lemminkäinen’s paving operations in 8 different countries in Northern Europe.
“I am impressed by our inspired and committed team. Kreate’s values – integrity, entrepreneurship, humanity and straightforwardness – are well in line with my own. I have worked in international positions and have solid experience in the infrastructure business. My integration and company acquisition expertise has been useful considering Kreate’s strong growth. In my position, it is incredible to see the power of a strong team that works together.”
Positions of trust:
Chairman of the board KFS Finland Oy and Rakennusteollisuus RT ry since 2023, board member Taratest Oy since 2022 and Hartela-Yhtiöt Oy since 2023.

Tommi Hakanen
Vice President, Special Foundation Construction
Master of Science (Technology), Bachelor of Engineering
Born 1978, Finnish citizen
Vice President, Special Foundation Construction since 2021 and management team member since 2020
Work history:
Tommi Hakanen worked as Manager, Technical Office at Kreate Oy between 2018-2020. Previously he held the position as Vice President, Foundation Engineering Support at YIT Infra Oy during 2018, at Lemminkäinen Oyj as Vice President, Foundation Engineering Support between 2017-2018, Technical Director, Foundation Engineering in 2017 and as Design Manager, Geotechnical Engineering between 2013-2016.
“My broad experience in foundation construction across various industries as well as KFS Finland employees’ solid competence in special foundation construction strengthen Kreate Group’s foundation and environmental business. I bring to our yellow-and-black ranks my strong design and project expertise, as well as my experience in very demanding foundation construction projects abroad. I enjoy working with top professionals and am particularly happy that in our company the support functions are located near our construction sites.”
Positions of trust:
Management team member RIL pohja-, maa- ja kalliorakentaminen Technical Board since 2020, Member Väyläviraston standardisoinnin seurantaryhmä SR01 since 2014, Member of the Eurocode 7 upgrade work group TG4 C4 Guideline on implementation of the design during execution since 2020, Board member Suomen geoteknillinen yhdistys SGY between 2011–2014.

Jaakko Kivi
Vice President, Technical Office
Master of Science (Technology)
Born 1971, Finnish citizen
Vice President, Technical Office since 2021, management team member since 2018
Work history:
Jaakko Kivi worked as Vice President, Transport Infrastructure Construction at Kreate Oy between 2018-2021. He has worked at Lemminkäinen Infra Oy during 2012-2017 as Senior Vice President, Business Development and Support and as Director of Technical Office.
“I’m responsible for support functions such as quality, design management, data management and project development. My diverse experience with the different collaboration models in infrastructure construction supports my organisation with current and future projects. Our people work with a great attitude every day, and it is wonderful to lead such a competent team of professionals. Digitalisation is rapidly advancing our industry, making construction sites more efficient as well as improving communication with our personnel working across Finland.”

Antti Kokkonen
Vice President, Bridge Construction and Repair
Bachelor of Engineering
Born 1985, Finnish citizen
Vice President, Bridge Construction and Repair since 2024 and member of the management team since 2024
Work history:
Antti Kokkonen previously worked as Tender Calculation Manager in 2022–2024, responsible for the tender calculation of Kreate’s bridge projects, and in 2015–2022, as a Site Manager at Kreate’s bridge construction sites. From 2012 to 2015, Kokkonen worked as Site Manager at Lemminkäinen Infra and before that as a Site Foreman at Skanska and SRV.
“I have been part of Kreate’s yellow-and-black team since 2015, during which time I have had the opportunity to work in responsible positions at bridge construction sites and in tender calculation. Experience gained from the construction site and understanding the figures through calculations provide a good foundation for the position, but the whole team is needed for success. There is no substitute for professional bridge builders with whom I can work in this company and solve challenges together.”

Sami Laakso
Chief Operating Officer
Bachelor of Engineering
Born 1975, Finnish citizen
Chief Operating Officer since 2024 and member of Management Team since 2021
Work history:
Sami Laakso has worked at Kreate as Vice President, Transport Infrastructure Construction in 2021–2024 and as Project and Construction Manager in 2018–2021, at Skanska Infra Oy as Site Manager in large transport infrastructure projects in 2012–2018 and at Soraset Yhtiöt Oy as General Foreman and Site Manager in 2003–2011.
“As a COO my objective is to ensure the efficiency of processes, the profitability of projects and the development of the Group in accordance with strategic goals. This is particularly important as large-scale projects involving several types of construction will increase in the future. I have extensive experience in people management, large projects and their successful management, providing me with a good basis for developing our operations.”

Mikko Laine
Master of Political Sciences
Born 1975, Finnish citizen
CFO and management team member since 2022
Work history:
Mikko Laine has worked e.g. at HopLop Group’s as CFO 2016-2020 and at HopLop Deutschland GmbH’s as President and CEO 2019-2020, at Caverion Oyj as CFO and member of the management team 2013-2016, at Terveystalo Oyj as Director of Business Controlling 2010-2015
Prior to joining Kreate as CFO, he has served at Krete as Business Controller in 2021.
“My diverse competence in financial management and the development of the Finance and ICT functions in various organizations supports Kreate’s growth targets in a great way. My experience in project work provides perspectives on driving things ahead. Together with my strong team, I develop financial reporting and functions, collaborating with other units.”

Timo Leppänen
Vice President, Railway Construction
Bachelor of Civil Engineering
Born 1973, Finnish citizen
Vice President, Railway construction from 2021 and member of Management Team from 2021
Work history:
Timo Leppänen served at YIT Finland Ltd as Production Manager in the Jokeri Light Rail line project in 2017–2021, as Construction Manager in 2012–2017 and as Area Manager in 2011–2012, and at VR Track Oy as Project Manager in 2004–2011.
“I have strong experience in infrastructure construction and excellent relationships to different stakeholder groups. Together with my teams, I have executed many demanding projects in which we have combined our different capabilities to create a successful outcome. I am happy to steer Kreate’s highly skilled railway construction crew, with which we will eagerly take on new challenges, ready to win.”
Positions of trust:
Vice chairman of the board Lahden Kiinteistöpalvelut liikelaitos between 2005-2010, technical board member at the City of Lahti during 2004-2010, board member Lahti Energia Oy between 2004–2005.

Katja Pussinen
Vice President, HR
Master of Science (Economics)
Born 1975, Finnish citizen
Vice President, HR since 2019, management team member since 2017
Work history:
Katja Pussinen was HR Director at Kreate between 2017-2019, HR Manager at Skanska Oy between 2013-2016 and HR manager and office manager at Soraset Yhtiöt Oy between 2006-2012.
“I work closely with my team on various aspects of HR administration and development as well as occupational safety. Our goal is that everyone can be the best version of themselves at Kreate. I have extensive experience in working in various HR positions across the infrastructure sector, which I use in the development of functions. I am happy with our company’s such low employee turnover and high engagement.”
Positions of trust:
Member of the Board of Directors at Consti Oyj 2024-

Juha Schönberg
Vice President, Transport Infrastructure Construction
Master of Science (Technology)
Born 1981, Finnish citizen
Vice President, Transport Infrastructure Construction since 2024 and member of Management Team since 2024
Work history:
Juha Schönberg has worked at Kreate as Site and Construction Manager 2018 – 2024, at Destia Oy e.g. as Site Manager and Tender Calculator 2009 – 2018 and at the family company Maansiirto Ahti Schönberg as Site Manager 2002 – 2008.
“Having built a strong organisation in Northern Finland, I am excited to lead road construction with my solid and versatile infrastructure construction experience, which I have accumulated by leading numerous demanding industrial, foundation construction and road construction projects. I am delighted with our skilled and skilled road construction team, which masters versatile work in addition to traditional road construction. Our industry is constantly evolving, for example in terms of responsibility. Digitalisation and the circular economy will continue to accelerate infrastructure construction in the future, which will contribute to the efficiency of our construction sites and the reduction of our carbon footprint.”
The list of ownership in Kreate can be found from Management Holdings section